Sizing Software Using Testable Requirements
Welcome to Mosaic, Inc.'s site on our sizing measure, testable requirements! The map above provides access to any page in this site. Click on any box to access a specific page or see How to View this Site for more information!
Mosaic, Inc. has proposed, and is pioneering, the use of a new and better way to size software systems -- testable requirements. The purpose of this Web Site is to describe the concepts that form the foundation for using testable requirements to size software.
A sizing measure is fundamental to any software measurement program. Software professionals need a sizing measure that is understood and accepted by software developers, users and executive management. Client/server and web applications, in particular, demand better measurement tools to cope with the increasing complexity of the technology. A practical, flexible, sizing measure is needed not only to develop more reliable estimates, but also to better communicate with technical and non-technical management on issues of scope, change and complexity.
The concept of testable requirements meets these needs.
How to View this Web Site
This Web Site presents five primary paths for learning about testable requirements:
The five primary paths are identified on the map in white headings. Each path consists of a series of subject areas, which are made up of one main page and one or more detailed pages. The pages are represented on the map as boxes, with detailed pages associated with a subject area falling below the main subject area page in the map hierarchy. Each page covers a topic which is communicated by the page title. Page titles may be viewed by hovering the mouse pointer over the box representing the page in the map. Each page may be displayed by positioning the mouse pointer on the box in the map and clicking once. You may also read the pages sequentially on any path by following the navigation arrows at the bottom of each page:

A Down arrow navigates down a level to a page that provides more detail.

A Forward arrow navigates forward to the next page at the same level.

An Up arrow returns back to the previous higher level page.

A Back arrow returns to the previous page at the same level.
Clicking the down arrow at the bottom of this page will move you into the Overview Testable Requirements Concepts Path.
Accessing Topics Directly
You may use the map at any time to directly move to any page in the document by using the mouse and clicking on a box representing the page. The page you are currently on will have its topic box highlighted in yellow.
Questions, Comments, and Suggestions are Welcome
Email us or Contact us at:
Mosaic, Inc.
Software Risk Management Services
505 N Lake Shore Dr., Unit 2015
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 836-1273