Click on the links below to view/download the following articles. The file type is specified in parenthesis following each link:
" Sizing Software with Testable Requirements" ( Adobe Reader PDF file), by Peter B. Wilson, Ph.D., Executive Vice President of Mosaic, Inc. was published in the Journal of System Management, August, 2000. The article defines testable requirements, discusses the use of testable requirements as a sizing measure, compares testable requirements to other common sizing measures and provides examples of the application of a testable requirements size measure. Note: If you encounter any problems downloading this file see Handling Problems With Accessing PDF File

"Managing Software Projects with Earned Value" ( MS Word file), by Paul J. Solomon, Northrop Grumman Corporation was published in the In Control Journal, 13th Annual Conference Proceedings, Vol. 10, No. 1, April 1997, which is published by the Project Management Institute's College of Performance Management (CPM). The article discusses the use of earned value to manage software development projects. It recommends the use of requirements for earned value and provides an example of the use of testable requirements for earned value during the testing and rework phases of a system development project.
" Practical Software Measurement, Performance-Based Earned Value" ( HTML file), by Paul J. Solomon, Northrop Grumman Corporation was published in CrossTalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 9, September 2001. In this article, Paul describes how an earned value management system based on testable requirements and selected software measures helped Northrop Grumman Corporation increase their software success.