Hints for resolving the following problems accessing the PDF file are provided below. If these do not resolve your problem, please email us and provide us your address. We would be happy to mail a printed copy of the article.
Need to Install Adobe Reader or Upgrade
To read or print PDF documents, you will need to install the Adobe Reader. We recommend version 4.0 or above. The Adobe Reader can be downloaded from Adobe's Web site. The Reader is free and accessible to all.
Unable to Launch Abobe Reader in Internet Explorer
Some versions of Internet Explorer may encounter problems launching Adobe Reader. This may be exhibited by an error message or by encountering only a blank screen when you try to open the file. Two suggested ways around the problem are:
Save the File and Open it Manually in the Adobe Reader
Right click on the file link and select "Save target as ..". When prompted, select a location and name for the file, and click OK. The file will be downloaded. You can then use the Adobe Reader to view or print the file.
Set Up the Adobe Reader as a Helper Application
To configure the Adobe Reader 4.0x as a helper application, do the following:
1. Open the Acrobat 4.0x Reader.
2. Choose File > Preferences > General.
3. Deselect Web Browser Integration in the Options section and then click OK.
4. Exit the Acrobat 4.0x Reader.
5. Restart your browser and try the link again.
The next time the link to the PDF file is selected, a dialog box will ask what to do with the file. If "Open this file from its current location" is selected, the PDF will be opened in a new window. If "Save this file to disk" is selected, the PDF file is saved in the specified location, from where it can be opened later.
Problem Printing PDF file on Hewlet Packer (HP) Printer
If problems occur printing the document to an HP printer, a change may need to be made to the print setup:
1. Open the document in the Acrobat 4.0x Reader.
2. Choose File > Page Setup.
3. On the Print Setup Screen, click Properties.
4. Click on the Graphics tab.
5. In the Graphics Mode section, select "Use Raster Graphics".
6. Click OK to return to the document and try printing again.